Address Signs
Help us help you
Even with today's technology, first responders still rely on address numbers posted in a location visible from the roadway. They are especially helpful at night, or if you live up a long driveway.

Option three
How much do address signs cost?
Much less than you might assume. Signs range from $20 - $30 per sign. There are four options available:
[$30] OPTION ONE – 6″ x 24″ double sided blue reflective with 4″ white reflective numbering on each side. Best Use: Vertical mailbox or driveway post at the end of the driveway.
[$20] OPTION TWO – 4″ x 24″ single sided blue reflective with 4″ white reflective numbering. Best Use: Vertical mailbox or fence post at the end of a driveway, facing towards street, or towards cul-de-sac entrance.
[$20] OPTION THREE – 6″ x 14″ single sided reflective with 4″ white reflective lettering. Best Use: Horizontal attachment to a home or business, or, mailbox/fence post at the end of the driveway facing toward a cul-de-sac entrance.
[$30] OPTION FOUR – 6″ x 14″ double sided reflective with 4″ white reflective lettering. Best Use: Horizontal attachment to a home or business overhang, or horizontal on a mailbox or driveway post near the street.
We accept orders for signs over the phone or by mailing us a completed order form available as a PDF download. You can always stop by one of our stations and our staff will be happy to assist you.
We accept cash or checks only.
Checks can be made out to "WVFD Volunteers Association."
Mail in:
WVFD Volunteers Association
P.O. Box 2106
Wenatchee, WA 98807
Option two
Proceeds from the sale of address signs go to support the Volunteer Association and their ongoing mission of ensuring the highest quality emergency response to our community.