Wenatchee Valley Fire Department is governed by a six-seat publicly elected commission. Each commissioner is elected for a term of six (6) years. Three commissioners are elected by Chelan County voters and three are elected by Douglas County voters who live within the department's boundaries.
Our Commissioners
Wenatchee Valley Fire Department represents two fire districts, Douglas County Fire District 2 and Chelan County Fire District 1.
The citizens of each fire district elect three Fire Commissioners to serve on the Wenatchee Valley Fire Department Board.
Gordon Zimmerman
Chelan County Fire District 1, Position #1
Cam de Mestre
Chelan County Fire District 1, Position #2
Phil Dormaier
Chelan County Fire District 1, Position #3
Shawn Evenhus
Douglas County Fire District 2, Position #1
Danny Johnson
Douglas County Fire District 2, Position #2
Dave Fennell
Douglas County Fire District 2, Position #3