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Rescheduled Regular Meeting Notice & Agenda Wenatchee Valley Fire Department Commissioners

Wenatchee Valley Fire Department Board of Commissioners

Chelan County Fire District 1 and Douglas County Fire District 2

2:00 p.m., Monday, May 8, 2023

Meeting Room, Fire Station 1, 377 Eastmont Avenue, East Wenatchee

The Rescheduled Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Wenatchee Valley Fire Department, Chelan County Fire District 1 and Douglas County Fire District 2 will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, May 8, 2023, at Fire Station 1, 377 Eastmont Avenue, East Wenatchee.

The meeting will include a public hearing to allow comment before the Board is asked to consider the annexation of Parcel 221923330050.

Draft Agenda

I. Call to Order - 2:00 pm

II. Additions and Deletions to Agenda

III. Public Comments - Three-minute limit

IV. Public Hearing - A public hearing will be opened for comment before the

Board considers the annexation of Parcel 221923330050

V. Consent Agenda Items - Meeting Minutes, Warrant and Payroll Approval,

Financial Review

VI. Correspondence

VII. Staff Reports

1. Administration


3. Volunteer

VIII. Unfinished Business

1. Facilities

2. Apparatus

3. Aviation

4. Personnel

5. Policy Review & Update

Article VII, Policy 01, Emergency Medical Protection

Article X, Division I, Policy 03, Management’s Responsibility

Article X, Division I, Policy 08, Safety Committee

Article X, Division II, Policy 01, Injuries and Illness

Article X, Division II, Policy 02, Accident Investigation

IX. New Business

1. Annexation of Parcel 221923330050 (Fowler)

CCFD1 Resolution 2023-002

WVFD Resolution 2023-004

2. Apparatus Branding

3. Review Continuity of Operations Plan

X. Other Business and Good of the Order

XI. Adjourn

Call the District Secretary at 509-662-4734 with any questions.


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