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Public Notice


Determination of Non-Significance - 731 N. Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee

PURSUANT TO RCW 43.21C AND WAC 197-11-340(2), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 31, 2018, Chelan County Fire District 1 did issue a determination of nonsignificance with a 14-day comment period and will not act on the proposal for 14 days from the date of above, relative to the environmental impact of the following described proposal.

The project proposes construction of two-story, 16,484 square foot fire station with a basement, at 731 N. Wenatchee Avenue.

The determination that the proposal will not have a probable adverse impact on the environment and that an environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required was made following the review of a completed environmental checklist and other information submitted by the applicant and on file. Complete information, including all environmental documents and copies of the proposal may be reviewed Chelan County Fire District 1, 136 S. Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee.

Written comments on the above are due no later than November 14, 2018. Comments should be addressed to Brian Brett, Chelan County Fire District 1, P.O. Box 2106, Wenatchee, WA 98807.

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