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Fire Benefit Charge


What we do

We are a regional fire authority providing fire and life safety services to 81,000 people over 172 square miles in the Wenatchee Valley, including:

  • Colockum

  • East Wenatchee

  • Malaga

  • Rock Island

  • Squilchuck Valley

  • Stemilt Basin

  • Sunnyslope

  • Swakane Canyon

  • Trinidad area of Crescent Bar

  • Wenatchee Heights

  • Wenatchee, #1 and #2 Canyon

We were established in 2022 when voters approved combining Chelan County Fire District 1 and Douglas County Fire District 2 under the name the Wenatchee Valley Fire Department.

We operate under a balanced budget and have passed all financial and accountability audits by the state.

How do we fund emergency services?

We fund emergency services with a fire levy paid through property taxes. The fire levy accounts for 90 percent of our budget and is capped at $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

Is there a fairer way to fund emergency services?

We currently fund emergency services based only on a property’s assessed value. This means two houses of the same size can pay dramatically different amounts depending on their location within our fire district, while the cost to defend both in a fire is likely the same.

That is why we are looking at a fairer way to fund emergency services. We are considering establishing what is known as a fire benefit charge. Under a fire benefit charge, two houses of equal size would pay the same fire benefit charge.

What is a fire benefit charge?

A fire benefit charge is an annual fee that is based on a building’s size, use, and cost to defend in a fire. Smaller structures, such as single-family homes, are charged less than larger commercial or industrial buildings because it costs less to serve them during a fire or other emergency.

A fire benefit charge must be approved by voters every six years. The annual rate is set by the Board of Fire Commissioners in a public hearing.

We are considering asking voters for a fire benefit charge in the August 2024 primary election.

What are the advantages of a fire benefit charge?

A fire benefit charge reduces property taxes and is more equitable for taxpayers. By law, the fire levy rate is reduced from $1.50 to $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The fire benefit charge is then set at a rate by our elected Board of Fire Commissioners at a public hearing each year.

Voters in more than 20 fire districts in the state have approved a fire benefit charge as a fairer way to fund emergency services.

What will this cost me?*

In 2023, the owner of a 2,000-square-foot home in Douglas County, appraised at $500,000, paid a fire levy of $750. Under a fire benefit charge, the owner would pay a fire levy of $500 and a fire benefit charge of $218 for a total of $718. In most cases, homeowners will pay less under a fire benefit charge and a reduced fire levy rate funding model.

COMING SOON: You’ll be able to compare what you paid in property taxes to the proposed fire benefit charge using a calculator on our website.

Fire Chief Brian Brett welcomes your questions at or 509-662-4734.

*Property owners have the right to appeal their fire benefit charge if they believe it is incorrect. Seniors, disabled persons, exempt properties, and low-income households will maintain any current exemptions they have through the county. 

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